Liturgical and Paraliturgical Books within the Royal Mining Seminary of New Spain (1792-1825)
Investigación biblitecológica
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Liturgical Books
Choral Library
Education in New Spain
Royal Mining Seminary of New Spain

How to Cite

Becerra Ramírez, I. (2024). Liturgical and Paraliturgical Books within the Royal Mining Seminary of New Spain (1792-1825). Investigación Bibliotecológica. Archivonomía, bibliotecología E información, 38(100), 13–28.
Métricas de PLUMX


The Catholic Church was the most influential institution of the Spanish Empire due to religion permeating all institutions and modelling the character and life of all inhabitants to form good subjects for the king through education and worship. The objective is to explain the presence and use of liturgical and paraliturgical books within the Royal Mining Seminary of New Spain as part of future mining experts’ civic and moral education utilizing documents kept at the Palace of Mining. The methodology is merely historical-bibliographical and resorts to primary sources and liturgy theory for proper interpretation of the data. As a result, the study  demonstrates that, despite being an Enlightened scientific institution, religion also pervaded the Royal Mining Seminary through the mentioned bibliographic repertoire, which were books found in every New Spain institution and that are imperative to know because they are kept in our libraries with historical collections.
PDF (Español (España))


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