Micro-Paper in Scientific Communication: A New Format for New Times
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Science communication
Open science
Scientific journals

How to Cite

Caldera-Serrano, J. (2024). Micro-Paper in Scientific Communication: A New Format for New Times. Investigación Bibliotecológica. Archivonomía, bibliotecología E información, 38(99), 187–200. https://doi.org/10.22201/iibi.24488321xe.2024.99.58875
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The article conveys micro-papers as novel and emerging formats for scientific knowledge dissemination in scientific journals and through other native Internet methods (repositories, blogs, etcetera). We raise the importance of using this reduced science communication format to transmit specific findings since it condenses basic information in a short-extended, easily readable document with broad audiences without losing the quality of reviewed scientific works. To this end, we carried out a descriptive study of exploratory nature  through a bibliographic review– that delves into the current state of micro-papers and previous experiences in their usage. In conclusion, the feasibility of its use for the dissemination of specific scientific content favors agility, without losing the quality of scientific dissemination.

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