Information for a Better Government or the Information Government? Contradictions in the Use of Digital Media Information in the Surveillance Society Context
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Digital Citizenship

How to Cite

Ramos-Chávez, H. A. (2024). Information for a Better Government or the Information Government? Contradictions in the Use of Digital Media Information in the Surveillance Society Context. Investigación Bibliotecológica. Archivonomía, bibliotecología E información, 38(99), 75–88.
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In a democratic government scheme, the participation of various actors is an important pillar in public decision-making. In this context, for participation to be adequate and well-founded, there is a necessity for useful and relevant information that provides tools for correct deliberation. This article analyzes –along with the new characteristics surrounding information obtaining and participation in digital channels– the risks raised by the quality of consulted information as well as the emergence and consolidation of a new architecture in modern society. Based on the surveillance of citizen thinking and acting, this architecture emerges due to the accumulation of data left by the constant interaction of individuals with technologies throughout different aspects of personal and collective life. The article concludes by warning about the possibility that the democratic quality of nations may be diminished owing to the phenomenon of reaffirmation of ideas and ideological stances occurring during information obtaining, consultation, and exchange in digital channels, specifically in digital social networks.
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