From Audiobook Narration to the Verbal and Visual Textuality of the Audiotext: An Alternative for Knowledge Acquisition
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Tertiary Orality
Text-to-Speech Conversion
Synthetic Voices

How to Cite

Barragán-Perea, E. A., & Tarango, J. (2024). From Audiobook Narration to the Verbal and Visual Textuality of the Audiotext: An Alternative for Knowledge Acquisition. Investigación Bibliotecológica. Archivonomía, bibliotecología E información, 38(99), 13–33.
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Traditionally, access to information through reading refers to perceiving and understanding writing through sight or touch; however, reading via listening has been established as a form of tertiary orality that allows writing, image, and voice combination. It conforms to a powerful alternative to knowledge acquisition for new generations, who sometimes prefer to listen to books instead of reading them. For this reason, a documentary-type investigation of the scientific literature on the subject was carried out –through a descriptive study– to delve into using audiotext as an alternative way to acquire knowledge. Audiotext, audiobook, tertiary orality, textto-speech conversion, synthetic voices, and voice deepfake were the concepts analyzed to do this. The impact of information and communication technologies has made it possible for audiotexts to become a powerful tool for spoken word vindication and a complementary device for teaching-learning processes.
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