Measuring the incidence of social factors on scientific research: A socio-scientometrics analysis of strategic countries


Scientific Production
Social Factors
Science Policy

How to Cite

Lancho-Barrantes, B. S., & Cantu-Ortiz, F. J. (2020). Measuring the incidence of social factors on scientific research: A socio-scientometrics analysis of strategic countries. Investigación Bibliotecológica. Archivonomía, bibliotecología E información, 34(85), 61–80.
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Throughout scientific literature, some studies have examined the positive impact of research in society. However, this paper is oriented in the opposite direction analyzing how social factors could be influencing scientific results. The research sample comprises Mexico and its 18 strategic partners in science and technology and a 17-year temporary window. The results are divided into three parts, the first one shows the relation among population, government investment in tertiary education, gross domestic expenditure on R&D (GERD) (as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP)) number of researchers with scientific production and citations received. The second part is focused on the relationship between researcher mobility (sedentary or migratory: inflow, outflow, transitory) and scientific collaboration. The third part analyses whether the countries research preferences (measured through the Relative Activity Index in subject areas) have a repercussion on scientific production. This study facilitates a better understanding of social contributions to the scientific and socioeconomic development of countries and it is valuable for governments and policy makers for taking into account the importance of these social variables in leading countries towards excellence in science.


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