Diagnosis of Information Science Informational literacy from the perspective of the student of the University of Havana
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Competencias informacionales
Ciencias de la Información

How to Cite

Sánchez Díaz, M. (2016). Diagnosis of Information Science Informational literacy from the perspective of the student of the University of Havana. Investigación Bibliotecológica. Archivonomía, bibliotecología E información, 29(67), 201–218. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ibbai.2016.02.042
Métricas de PLUMX


The Information Society of today requires students to access, analyze, evaluate and use information properly. To this end, students need to acquire competencies associated with search, evaluation, processing and communication of information. These competencies are especially important in information professionals, who are charged with the task of matching information resources with information needs. This implies the ability to identify needs and resources, and organize and represent information to the satisfaction of users. Using the IL-HUMASS self-assessment questionnaire, students’ perceptions of motivation and self-efficacy were studied in terms of the  ompetencies associated with four overarching informational categories: Search, Evaluation, Processing and Communication. Moreover, the study examines the learning contexts of self-guided or independent learning, library work, coursework and classrooms. The study offers a reflection on the degree of importance students lend to informational competencies and their perceived degree of expertise, while also drawing some conclusion about learning needs.

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